It was truly awesome. I met amazing people from all other the United States plus some people from out of the country. It was nice to chat with other teens about our about our passion and future plans.
^My friend Sam and what she designed
^My design! Oh course, keepin it classy.
So throughout the week we designed and sew together an outfit with the help of students and teachers at the school. They taught us what sewing technique to use and how to use these crazy industrial sewing machines. The last day of class, we all gathered at the hotel across from the school, including our families and teachers, and everyone got to show off what they did for the week. The photography class showed their pictures and the film class showed a production they created and the fashion design/mech. class did a fashion show so we all walked on a runway and showed off our designs. In the end our designs got judged and they choice a winner. I am proud to say that I won first place in the fashion design/mech class :O) I'm very proud of myself! All my had work paid off!
^before the show
^after the show
It was really a group effort! And an amazing experience and I'm sure every girl will go far in what they want to do! I even met a couple girls that read my blog. Thank you!
Doing this really proved to myself and others, like my friends and family, that you can really do whatever you want if you try your hardest and really concentrate on what you want. I'm sure I sound really cheesey and kind of like your grandma but hey, its true.. if you really had a passion and love for something you would put yourself out there and give it your all and you would succeed. I am proof of so!
Anyways, I have much in store for my upcoming blogs. On top of that I'm started to work with a fabulous lady that produces fashion shows in Miami so I'm going to help her work them! Shes going to teach me all the marketing side of fashion shows plus dressing behind the stage. Sounds fun huh?
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