When did people I know get personal blogs ? I was not aware of this !
So not to start this blog off on a negative note but I had such a horrible dream last night and went to work completely weirded out, my managers thought I was like under a spell but I came around about an hour later and helped train this boy (good deed for the day) on the register and he probably thought I was crazy while confusing him about what buttons to push...
but then one of my favorite managers, Vanessa, came back to work from a week break (I've missed her) and goes "DON'T YOU MISS YOUR FAVORITE MANAGER!?"
And Jamie, another cashier, response, "What are you talking bout? Brooke's (another manager) been here all week." <--- I almost died laughing.
My shirt I thrifted, and I'm wearing it tied up with a belt. One of my usual classy baggy shirts..
My FAVORITE (As you can see I've been posting a lot of my favorite clothes..) vest. Out of all my vest this one is my favorite. It's from Urban Outfitters and its beaded, very delicate.
(Please, don't mind my horribly awkward faces. I really don't want my face in the picture, clothing only, lawll) Thanks Audrey for buying me this for my birthday. Cutest gray shaw ever with big black buttons. From Urban Outfitters. I'm wearing it with a black high hasted skirt and black booties.
+I keep meaning to take Arabel's advice and go to Marshel's to shoe shop.
+I'm going to start my Fashion Week blogs soon ^.^ I'm so excited. Who else is!? I know I'm not the only one that can go on a rant about fashion week for hours..
+More thrift in upcoming blogs! & spread the news about my blog. Send it to a friend :O)
+Send me pictures of clothing or styles of you or you like, I'd love to see!
e-mail: clropnmind@aol.com <3!
I absolutely love your vest!