My most favorite hand-made hemp boots EVER. And jean leggings, yep jean.
My boots are from Urban outfitters and my jean leggings from Forever 21 aka work.
I would also like to put out there, in a cashiers point of view, you should be happy when buying clothing and shopping, especially us girls. Its suppose to be a fun activity. And being rude and unconsiderate (throwing your debit card/money, ranting about "outrages" prices, just overall giving an unnessisary attitude) is just sucking the fun and excitement out of the glorious activity.
So I've been having strong urges to dye my hair dark dark brown (friends die inside). Its just to bright and unnatural and feels not me. So I've decided before I go to Europe (1 month and 2 days), I am going to die it a golden blonde. And slowly get darker? I don't like light brown for some odd reason, I like solid colors although I could never pull off black... at some point I'll just dye it all dark brown
Anyways, I've noticed I've been having a small fetish with pearls and antiqish gold jewlry. Hints the gold pearl cross necklace + big pearl earrings. My hair needs to grow UGH. It's actually pretty long but it really bothers me how short its looking in the picture above -.-
So I'm planning on hitting up thrift stores tomorrow or Thursday and I got a really nice blouse from goodwill for $5. I'll post some more pictures and of course my little out looks on whats going on in life this upcoming week.
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