Friday, March 27, 2009

Don't ask for advice when you shop......

I went on quite a shopping spree today, hitting up Urban Outfitter's and Forever 21. I don't know why I waste my voice or time asking my friend what she thinks about the clothes I pick out because 90 percent of the time she virtually throws up and tells me NO NO NO NO (and I try it on anyways). Then when I try it on shes like Oh, thats cute! Or my favorite "It kindaaaaaa looooks weeeeeeird and awwwkward I dunnnooooo..." lol, sound that out and thats exactly what she sounded like with a really confused/grudgey look on her face. I got some high wasted shorts, a skirt and a reeeaal cute shirt. Plus, some accessories. I'll post photos soooon :O)

Also I was really proud to walk into the Betsy Johnson store and see some of the same items from her Spring09' runway show! Same with Marc By MarcJacob, I saw some Neon bags and clothing, and I thought "Oh my! His 80's inspired spring line!" Teeheeeeeeeee

Oh &&&&&&&&&&&


  1. When I shop with my friend she's more like "uhm ,what? Why are you even asking me!? YOU WON'T LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY!!"
    or I get the "hm, it's nice." haha I don't know how I ended up with a best friend who doesn't like shopping.

  2. Lol like the awkward uhhh.. I guess if your into that... Haha! Glad to know someones on my page in that element

  3. lovely last image !!
    lucille a little frecnh girl
